
Why we do what we do.

We love the sound of vintage with the practicality of contemporary.

What we do.

Most guitar players will agree, there's nothing like the sound of a tube amp. Most guitar players and amp designers will also agree that they can be very inconvenient. They're bulky and they're heavy. At DLG we recognize that most of a tube amp's draw backs come from the power supply, who's design hasn't changed much since the 60's. With modern advances for the Electric Vehicle and Solar markets, the large, heavy block of iron and copper that makes up a tube amp input transformer can be replaced with a light weight Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS).

PS-50W500 is suitable for classic 25-50W heads and combos. It can power amps with up to 2x 6L6, 2x EL34, 2x EL84 or 4x 6V6 power tubes, and six 12AX7 preamp tubes. It's fully regulated B+ provides the most clean headroom of any power supply. Other designs rely on "oversized magnetics" for clean headroom, which can be quite bulky and heavy. The B+ can be adjusted from 340 to 500V, allowing the designer to choose the B+ voltage that sounds best quickly, without having to change the turns ratio of the input transformer. The universal 100-240 Vac input range lets the amp designer use one power supply design for any country the amp is sold.

PS-100W560 is suitable for 50-100W heads and combos. It's designed for amps with 4x 6L6, 4x EL34 or 2x KT88 power tubes, and six 12AX7 preamp tubes. The output voltage can be adjusted from 400 to 560V. It has the same universal 100-240Vac input voltage range.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Well.... it depends. DLG power supplies are designed to give the most clean headroom in a tube amp possible. If you're looking for pristine clean tones with tight bass response, the regulated output of a DLG supply is a great option. Similarly, most high gain amps have a very distorted pre-amp followed by an ultra clean power amp. Again the regulated output of a DLG supply will have the bass response so palm mutes crush, and the clean headroom to ensure the distortion doesn't become muddy. Now, if you're the kind of player who prefers the "sag" tones from a low wattage tube rectified amp, then a DLG supply may not be for you.

  • Yes... but it might take some creativity to install. You'll need the amplifier's schematic and an experienced tech. At the very least the bias circuit will need to be modified. Things get tricky trying to deal with the low voltage supplies, especially in two and three channel amps with relays. We've seen amplifiers with +24, +12, +5, +3.3, +3, -3, and -12V low voltage supplies, none of which are directly provided by a DLG power supply. However, additional voltage regulators driven by a DLG supply can be added to create these oddball low voltage rails. Your amp tech will need find a way to make any or all of these supplies to get your amp fully functional.

    Based on reviewing the schematics, here's a list of amplifiers that are good candidates for a DLG power supply upgrade:

    • Mesa/Boogie Express 5:25, 5:50, 5:25+, and 5:50+
    • Marshall JCM800
    • Peavey 5150, 6505, 6505+

  • Nope. All DLG supplies work over the universal input range: 100-240Vac, 47-63Hz.

  • Nope. All DLG supplies work over the universal input range: 100-240Vac, 47-63Hz.

  • Nope. All DLG supplies work over the universal input range: 100-240Vac, 47-63Hz.